Name:TapTap Send
Type:Money Transfer Operator
Data collected on:Aug 20, 2023
Note:Alternative interbank rates sourced from the Daily Star in Bangladesh. The prices may also be affected by the 2.5 % subsidy the government provides for all foreign currency denominated incoming transfers. · A new initiative has been launched by the Government of Bangladesh, whereby all direct transfers into the country will receive an additional 2.5% straight to the recipient's account. All transfers to Bangladesh will automatically benefit from the 2.5% incentive. The recipient in Bangladesh will receive the extra 2.5% from their bank in cash or into their bank accounts. This applies to all transfer methods offered by TapTap Send (bank transfers and mobile transfers through BKash). There are no limits to the number of transfers that can benefit from the 2.5% initiative. For transfers above 500,000 Taka, the beneficiaries will have 5 days to submit a copy of their documents. You can find more information at: